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Don’t Miss the Early Bird Deadline for Reunion Tickets!

April is already half-way over. Hopefully you’ve sent in your tax return and are enjoying the beautiful Spring weather (at least here in California). But have you done the most important thing you need to do this month: buy your tickets to the El Molino Class of ’72 and ’73 Reunion??? If not, make sure to do it today as the Early Bird discount ends this month. Starting May 1, ticket prices go up by $10.

Tickets are going fast, so make sure to get yours before April runs out. When you buy tickets early it also really helps our planning, as we can budget for food, plan room layout and even offer financial assistance to those who may need it.

While you’re on the El Molino Reunion website check out the bios of El Mo classmates. And make sure to register and post your own short bio and photo. It’s fun to read about former classmates and find out where they live and what they’ve been up to. It also makes reconnecting in person easier!

Note: if you want to avoid online fees on ticket purchases you can simply send in a check. All reunion ticket info can be found here.

Want to know who is coming to the reunion so far? Here is a sample of folks who have already bought their tickers: Class of ’72: Susan Clark, Pam Cullen, Joe Lowe, Melissa Chandler, Rick Peper, Deb Kitchens, Ed Tollefson, and Ed Waller. Class of ’73: Margaret Booker, Nancy Bramlett, Darien Fisher Duke, James Hill, Saria Ulitalo-Humphreys, Martin McDermott, Deb (Edwards) Pell, Michele Wolpe, and Pam (Zank) Vershaw.

Coming from out of town for the reunion? Make sure to get hotel reservations if you need them! Summer is a popular time in Sonoma County and hotels fill up fast.

We’ll be posting more information about the reunion and related events over the coming months. In the meantime, if you have a question, please contact us!


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